body positivity walk Body Positivity Walk 2019

BoPo walk – the route (UPDATED)

So after a lot of planning the route is now more or less done. It’s now a total of 674 kms, which means an average of 27 km per walking day, with the longest day being 37 km (not looking forward to that one..).

If you want to join part of the walk, the best thing to do is to contact me ( or @thobopo on Instagram) so we can arrange roughly where and when we’ll meet up. Most days of the walk will be during normal working hours, but joining for an hour or two in the evening/afternoon is always possible. I expect that most walks will start around 10 AM in the morning, possibly earlier for some of the longer (30+ km) hikes. I’d like to reach each destination while there’s still daylight.

Accommodation: In order to save some money I have decided to travel back and sleep at home the first 5 nights – this also means I can have my first rest day at home. For the rest of the journey I have booked a combination of cheap hotels/(Air)B&Bs and couchsurfing (though I didn’t have much luck with the latter as their location filter is not great and most people take a long time to respond – it’s a great idea, it just doesn’t work too well for a trip of this magnitude where exact locations are kind of important).  While I do have accommodations booked they are all still cancellable, so I’m still open to tips and suggestions.


Final version (I hope):

September 1: Amsterdam – Almere (Buiten), 35 km

September 2: Almere (Buiten) – Lelystad, 22 km

September 3: Lelystad – Kampen Zuid, 35 km

September 4: Kampen Zuid – Nieuwleusen, 30 km

September 5: Nieuwleusen – Slagharen, 21 km

September 6: REST

September 7: Geesbrug – Wieteveen, 30 km

September 8: Wieteveen – Meppen DE, 24 km

September 9: Meppen – Herzlake, 24 km

September 10: Herzlake – Quakenbrück, 26 km

September 11: Quakenbrück – Vechta, 26 km

September 12: REST

September 13: Vechta – Ehrenburg, 32.5 km

September 14: Ehrenburg – Balge, 37 km

September 15: Balge – Steimbke, 18.5 km

September 16: Steimbke – Wedemark, 30 km

September 17: Wedemark – Celle, 25.5 km

September 18: REST

September 19: Celle – Hohne, 23 km

September 20: Hohne – Ehra-Lessien, 31 km

September 21: Ehra-Lessien – Neuferschau, 21 km

September 22: Neuferschau – Kalbe, 25.5 km

September 23: Kalbe – Stendal, 35 km

September 24: REST

September 25: Stendal – Schönhausen, 20 km

September 26: Schönhausen – Nennhausen, 35.5 km

September 27: REST

September 28: Nennhausen – Nauen, 28 km

September 29: Nauen – Staaken, Berlin, 22 km

September 30: Staaken, Berlin – Berlin HBH, 17 km GOAL