Body Positivity Walk 2019

BoPoWalk day 3: Lelystad to Kampen Zuid

Predicted distance: 35 km
Actual distance: 35,5 km
Time: 7h 20m
Speed: 4,9 kmph
Soundtrack: Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day (and Harry Potter on audio book…)

Today was almost 36 km of mostly this:

But with more tractors.

However, I am not broken.

My feet are made of pain and it’s starting to spread to my legs and thighs now too, but I made it through the dreaded dreary day.

Truthfully, this is harder than I thought it was going to be. Yes, I expected sore feet and getting tired, but I like walking, usually. I wasn’t really prepared for the constant throbbing pain in my feet and I wasn’t really prepared for the fact that anything above 10 km would just be toughing it out. And of course the endless highways… I do still hope and think that it will get easier, and that I’ll get more used to it and start to enjoy it more. I just hope my body lets me get to that point.

On the plus side, I am also stronger than I thought. Mentally, more so than physically. I reached a train station after about 20 km, still having 16 to go, and being in quite a bit of pain already as well as just plain fed up. It would have been so easy to get on that train. They leave twice an hour and would have me home in less than 30 minutes. But I chose to continue on. Of course if I had gotten on the train I would have had to fess up to it, so maybe it’s pride or vanity that I’m mistaking for strength, but I’m going to keep believing it’s the latter. And that’s always a good thing to have more of. As long as it doesn’t come at the expense of emotion or vulnerability (and I think I have those in spades..).

Tomorrow is 30 km in predicted 14 mm of rain, so if today didn’t break me, there’s always that. 😉

Better have some of this Chinese/Indian take-out to fortify myself:

chinese food.jpeg

By Sarah

I am a half Irish half Norwegian living in the Netherlands. I'm an HSP. I love books and food and Netflix, nature, working out, travel and the sea. My family (both by blood and choice) is very important to me. I am an energist and a body positivity coach with my own business - Thompson Body Positivity (

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